Let me set the scene.
My parents L-O-V-E Disneyland. It’s actually pretty cute. They went there on their honeymoon. They took me there every year between the ages of 3-12. We even all went when I was pregnant with Olivia (our first kid) because my dad had won a free trip for four.
They’ve been dying to take our girls to Disneyland basically since Olivia was old enough to walk. But I’ve always said that we can’t go until no one needs a nap. Which is roughly when the youngest of our kids is around 4 or 5 years old.
This was my dad’s reaction when we told my parents we were pregnant for the 4th time:
We’re just going to go to Disneyland. You just keep having babies. We’re never going to get to take the girls.
Pure gold. 🙂
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