Image by Casey Serin via Flickr
I’ve been kinda flaky with blogging for the last week or so. I blame this on the fact that me and Brandon have been obsessed with combing trulia.com for houses.
We were on our way home from Mass a couple of Sundays ago and a house was on sale just down the street from St. Ignatius. They also were having an open house at that exact moment. Ok, we’ll bite. So we walked in and really liked it. It is in the exact location that we would love to live. When the Squeaker is old enough to go to St. Ignaitus, we could just walk her to and from school everyday. And it had a big backyard that we fell in love with. The idea of planting orange and avocado trees is almost too much to handle. And picturing having parties in that backyard. Love it. So we started just browsing for homes around the same area just to see some comparables (as any good HGTV watcher would know to do).
We set up an appt to see it again this past weekend. And just by chance a house on the next block over was having an open house. We saw the first one and then went to the open house. Uh, fell in looove with, not the first house, but this open house house. The second I walked in it seemed perfect. Open and light-filled. Heck, it even had a nursery with the most adorable mural of a hippo and monkeys and a toucan. My dad said the hippo has O’s eyes. It was a beautiful home.
So here we are not even thinking about buying a house and a week later finding one that feels like home. Things went super fast at this point. We contacted a realtor, got pre-qualified (which apparently you have to do) and put in an offer for the house today. Someone had already put in an offer before us but we knew we were offering more than them.
They didn’t take our offer. It all just happened so quickly and seemed so perfect that I felt like this is really what God wanted us to do. It just seemed very easy. Guess not. It is a bummer. But from the beginning I told myself that if this is what God had planned for us then it would work out.
I can’t help but feel personally offended by these homeowners, though. We met our realtor at the house today to do a walk through before putting in the offer and the mom came in with her baby twins. She was not warm or welcoming but instead seemed very flustered and irritated. Apparently the twins were not having anything to do with the walk they were on. But O was with me and she saw her. Who the heck can say no to the Squeaker? With those pudgy cheeks? Jerkfaces.
I got the call from our realtor about the rejection in the middle of Specs. Me and O were with our good friend, M. Specs was doing this thing where they offer samples of 30 beers and different cheeses and snacks they have. Brilliant is what it is. And yes, I was in fact that lady with a baby in a liquor store sampling beers. Don’t worry, if what I drank added up to half a beer I’d be surprised. No one seemed too offended. Had I gotten this news in any other place I feel that I would have been much more bummed. You can’t feel too bad while drinking free beer.
(Side note – please try Leinenkugels Berry Weiss or Summer Sandy beer. Delicious. Girly, but delicious.)
Oh well. I’m not sure if I want to continue the house search right now. I feel like maybe this is God telling us to back off. But I have been wrong about what God has planned for us before. Our realtor was very upbeat that there would be other fish in the sea. I guess we’ll see.
I’ll just keep dreaming about those orange trees.

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